How affiliate and influencer partnerships help brands scale…

2. You already have the right people to make partnerships work

When you have the right partnerships management platform, you don’t need to worry about growing your headcount to make partnerships work for you. With the Shopify x integration, you can confidently take on the challenge and start launching partnerships with publishers, content creators, affiliates, influencers, and others. You’ll be creating relationships with experts who know their audiences and have a trusted place in their lives. The brilliance of partnerships is that the partners you choose have already done the work of authentically building relationships with their followers — and your business will benefit.

Because automates so much of the process, you won’t need an entire village to manage and scale your program to hundreds of partners. The process and platform are flexible, and with’s support and the vast amounts of information available, you can tailor your program to suit your business and its needs.


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