Seven ways to pay influencers today and tomorrow

A marketer’s perspective on gifting

Getting a product or brand into the mass market can be both difficult and expensive . . . but so is gifting when you consider the sale value and postage to influencers with no guaranteed conversions.¹ That said, when you factor in the value of influencer generated content and consider the value beyond the sale (with robust cross-channel tracking), gifting is still an effective payment model, especially for brands with less budget. Anyone can gift as payment, from beauty and fashion companies to restaurants. By bringing gift rewards into your partnership payment model, even smaller brands or those with minimal marketing budgets can see their ROAS (return on ad spend) boosted by 2000%. In addition, luxury brands often use gifting as a way to introduce their product to a bigger audience range, which they achieve by targeting a variety of different bloggers or influencers who are key figures for a particular demographic.

For what types of businesses is gifting ideal? Small to mid-level businesses in almost any sphere with lower budgets. Nano- or micro-influencers.


¹Sarah Donawerth, “The real cost of gifting influencers,” notification by carro.

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