How affiliate and influencer partnerships help brands scale…

You want to grow your business — where do you start?

Now that you know what partnerships are, it’s time to think about how to build your partnerships program. Historically, marketing pros have leveraged traditional tactics such as paid advertising, search engine ads, pop-up ads, or even newspaper or radio ads to grow their business and find new customers. However, consumers are not as responsive to traditional marketing as they once were. In fact, 84 percent of Millennials don’t even trust advertising. 1 Luckily there is a much better solution to growing your business, no matter the size — with partnerships.

Partnerships are not marketing

Partnership marketing is slightly too narrow a term to cover the breadth of what you can do with x Shopify. The benefits to both partners are dramatically different from marketing activities in partnerships, so “marketing” gets dropped altogether. With, you can create affiliate and influencer partnerships programs that bring value and expand your customer base.


1. Yuyu Chen, “84 percent of millennials don’t trust traditional advertising,” March 4, 2015.

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